Real People, Real Stories:

Mrs Lindo who is registered disabled, was keen to have a free home visit from one of the energy assessors at London Energy Saving Squad LTD (LESS) to talk about her district heating, electricity bills and ways for her to save money. An assessor advised Mrs Lindo of discounts she could get from her provider. The assessor contacted the provider on her behalf to apply the discounts as well as placing her on the Priority Service Register. She had saved £201.22 this year on her energy bills.

Miss Walsh wanted to be educated on bill switching and got in touch with LESS to see an assessor. An assessor advised Miss Walsh of how to look at her yearly consumption to see which provider was giving her the cheapest tariff.  She had saved £280 this year on her energy bills. Miss Walsh was so impressed that she is now volunteering with LESS to become an Energy Champion.

Both Mrs Lindo and Miss Walsh District Heat Meters were recently changed, and it included a Smart Meter. The assessor educated them both on these Smart Meters, in order to make further savings. Whilst communicating with Mrs Lindo, the assessor became aware that she suffers from heart disease and has visual impairment and therefore, the assessor used their expertise and adapted to guide Mrs Lindo to use the smart meter efficiently and effectively.

Ms Hakim from Dalston, a single mum of 3 young boys, recently divorced, was introduced through a friend to one of the assessor’s at London energy Saving Squad LTD (LESS). She decided to book an appointment with he assessor for a home energy visit. During the visit, the assessor recognised and explained that she may be entitled to other benefits as her youngest child has a hearing impairment. The assessor also explained further discounts on her energy bills as well as further discounts with Thames Water.

Ms Hakim switched her energy supplier, the payment method from quarterly payments to monthly direct debit and fixed her tariff for a year. She rearranged another appointment with the assessor as she investigated her welfare benefit and ordered watersure plus discount form Thames Water.

She was seen again, and the assessor assisted her with the forms. She felt that there must be so many other residents who were in the position and were unaware of their entitlements. Ms Hakim is now a volunteer as well as does Turkish interpreting for LESS. She has saved £192.70 on her energy bills, has been awarded watersure plus discount towards her Thames Water bill and is still awaiting to hear about her welfare benefits entitlement.

Mr Johnson attended his local GP surgery for a yearly NHS review. He discussed with his GP that the only thing that was worrying him as a pensioner, was the rising cost of his bills. Mr Johnson, a pensioner who lives in a one-bedroom property and was paying over £120 per month on his prepayment energy meters.

Mr Johnson was referred by Hackney Shine to have a free home visit from one of the energy assessors at London Energy Saving Squad LTD (LESS). An assessor advised Mr Johnson in order to save money on his energy was to change his prepayment meters to credit meters, in order to pay by bills. The assessor contacted the provider on his behalf to book an appointment to change his meters. Another home visit was arranged once Mr Johnson paid his first bill.

The assessor visited Mr Johnson again and bill switched him as well as applied for all discounts with the supplier and placed him on the Priority Service Register. He had saved £524 this year on her energy bills. He also applied for Watersure discount from Thames water and was awarded a further reduction towards his water bill. Mr Johnson was paying £122 a month on gas and electric prepayment meter.

He is now paying £87 a month on bills. He was unlikely to save money if he had continued to stay on prepayment meters. Hopefully, with energy efficiency advice, he should be able to save even more money throughout the year.